Fat Burner




Having a low percentage of body fat may improve overall athletic performance but achieving it incorrectly may have a negative effect on athletic performance.   

Extreme weight loss during an athlete’s season can lead to muscle loss, negative effects on athletic performance, and/or injury. Caloric restriction during season is wrong because this is the time the body needs more fuel which are those calories.


Athletes often put themselves at risk of damaging their health.They go to extremes to achieve weight loss. In the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (JISSN), there are examples of  deaths of athletes competing at the collegiate level, leading to new protocols by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). Wrestlers for example go through unhealthy rigorous rapid weight loss methods to meet weight class protocols.

The 5 most severe consequences of extreme weight-loss

1. Decreased muscle mass

Weight loss is a combination of muscle and fat lost. By losing muscle, the metabolism is decreased. 

2. Electrolyte imbalance

Electrolytes are naturally occurring in the body which allow the body to perform its normal functions. When imbalanced, the body is thrown out of balance and dangerous complications can arise such seizure and arrhythmias.

3. Nutritional deficiencies

Nutritional deficiencies can create serious health complications.

4. Gallstones

Gallstones form when digestive fluid called bile and cholesterol that is secreted from rapid weight loss hardens inside the gallbladder. They cause indigestion and severe pain. 

5. Drastic drop in energy levels

Extreme calorie deprivation results in less fuel for the body and the brain. Energy levels dip leading to mental and cognitive fatigue.


Being overweight can increase the risk of developing these health conditions:

  • type 2 diabetes
  • high blood pressure
  • heart disease and strokes
  • certain types of cancer
  • sleep apnea
  • osteoarthritis
  • fatty liver disease
  • kidney disease
  • pregnancy problems, such as gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, and increased risk for cesarean delivery (C-section)

* National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)



Weight gain is a complex discussion but US Department of Health and Human services go over causes:


  • Slow Metabolism
  • Lack of sleep
  • Excess Stress
  • Pathology (Diseases)
  • Medication
  • Fluid Retention
  • Depression
  • Hormones
  • Vitamin Deficiencies
  • Lack of exercise
  • Dehydration

  • What are the BENEFITS OF FAT BURNER ™

    General health benefits of weight loss 

    • Decreased risk of diabetes
    • Lowered blood pressure
    • Improved cholesterol levels
    • Decreased risk of heart disease
    • Decreased risk of certain cancers
    • Improved mobility
    • Decreased joint pain
    • Improved blood sugar levels
    • Decreased risk of stroke
    • Reduced back pain
    • Decreased risk or improvement in symptoms of osteoarthritis
    • Decreased risk or improvement in symptoms of sleep apnea

    Benefits of FAT BURNER™

    How SRPnano’s formula is superior...

    HOW NANOPARTICLES MAKE GARCINIA CAMBOGIA EFFECTIVE WITHOUT TOXICITY - scientific research demonstrates numerous studies showing the ineffectiveness as an appetite suppressant.  (Citation) The ineffectiveness is due to needing high dosing for effectiveness but the high dosage creates toxicity. 

    Our receptors are smaller than the molecule size of the herb therefore, the receptor can not hold onto the molecule long enough to allow full absorption.  The receptor fatigues from holding the large molecule and drops the molecule and another molecule will attach to the receptor. This is why such high milligrams or grams are needed to be effective in certain nutrients.  Garcinia Cambogia is effective but at such high milligrams there are more risks than rewards. (1.)

    We get therapeutic dosage without the risks of toxicity! Our nanoparticle of the molecule reaches the receptor and due to the nanoparticle size  gets fully absorbed and another nanoparticle reaches receptor and gets fully absorbed and so forth.  

    Green tea extract another compound needing high dosage to be effective unless using NANO - the benefits of green tea catechins on lipid oxidation and related fat-burning pathways are achieved in a dose dependent manner. Significant effects in humans are noted only at high doses, such as 400-500mg EGCG. (Citation) EGCG is formally known as epigallocatechin a type of plant-based compound called catechin. EGCG and other related catechins act as potent antioxidants that may protect against cellular damage caused by free radicals.  

    The SRPnano FAT BURNER™ formula has been designed with nutrients that have scientific data that demonstrate benefits to one or more of the following weight loss attributes.



    Burdock Root - Removes toxins in blood, has diuretic effect, Improve Gut

    It’s a powerhouse of antioxidants. It removes toxins from the blood. It may inhibit some types of cancer, increases urine flow. It may be an aphrodisiac.  It can help treat skin issues, kill germs, treat colds, cancer, anorexia nervosa, gastrointestinal (GI) complaints, joint pain (rheumatism), gout, bladder infections, complications of syphilis, and skin conditions including acne and psoriasis


    Chromium Chloride - Boost metabolism, Regulate blood sugar

    Chromium Chloride is used for improving blood sugar control in people with prediabetes, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and high blood sugar. It is also used for depression, Turner's syndrome, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), lowering "bad" cholesterol, raising "good" cholesterol in people taking heart medications called beta blockers, metabolic syndrome, heart attack, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and binge eating disorder, for body conditioning including weight loss, increasing muscle, and decreasing body fat, is also used to improve athletic performance, to increase energy, and to prevent age-related mental decline.


    CoQ10 – Regulate blood sugar, Boost Metabolism 

    CoQ10 helps to generate energy in your cells, serves as an antioxidant and protect cells from oxidative damage. It may help to treat conditions that affect the heart such as heart failure and fluid buildup in the body, chest pain (angina), and high blood pressure. It may help with fertility, keeps your skin young, reduces migraine headaches. It helps with exercise and performance. It could help with diabetes. It might play a role in cancer prevention. It is good for the brain. It could protect lungs.  It is used to treat Parkinson disease.


    Echinacea Root - Regulate blood sugar, Anxiety, 

    It is used to fight viruses and infections such as cold and flu and other infectious viruses, it strengthens the immune system.  Studies demonstrated the root helps control blood sugar, aids healthy cell growth, helps manage anxiety, lowers blood pressure, reduces inflammation, cures yeast infections.


    Ginkgo Biloba extract - Helps Anxiety & Depression


    Hops Extract- Regulate Blood Sugar, Boost Metabolism, Reduce Belly Fat 


    Arginine (Belly Fat-stimulating brown fat-brown fat burns calories)(Boost metabolism Inhibits fat by favoring metabolism of fat to muscle mass)(regulate blood sugar)

    Contains Powerful Antioxidants, Can Help Fight Inflammation, Improves Circulation and Heart Health, Reduces Symptoms of Psychiatric Disorders and Dementia, Improves Brain Function and Well-Being, Can Reduce Anxiety, Can Treat Depression, Can Support Vision and Eye Health, Can Treat Headaches and Migraines, Can Improve Asthma and COPD Symptoms, Reduces PMS Symptoms, Treats Sexual Dysfunction

    L-Glutamine Boost Metabolism, Increase energy reduces cravings, 

    is an amino acid that exists in two forms: L-glutamine and D-glutamine. it Is Important for the Immune System, its Effects on Muscle Gain and Exercise Performance, It Plays a Role in Intestinal Health by boosting  immune cell activity in the gut, helping prevent infection and inflammation, as well as soothing the intestinal tissue, it can support the reduction of intestinal spasms.

    L-Lysine - Anxiety, Boost Metabolism

    Lysine is an amino acid (building block of protein), May Protect Against and Treat Cold Sores by Blocking Arginine, May Reduce Anxiety by Blocking Stress Response Receptors, May Improve Calcium Absorption and Retention, Can Promote Wound Healing by Helping Create Collagen


    L-Omithine – Boost Metabolism, 

    is an amino acid, used in body’s urea cycle to removing excess nitrogen from your body and also removes ammonia (NH3), a waste product of cellular metabolism. for improving athletic performance, it might increase levels of hormones that increase muscle size, it is also used for weight loss, wound healing, and to increase sleep quality.


    Magnolia extract Reduce Anxiety, Depression, Stress by being a GABA Booster and by Activating cannabinoid receptors to reduce adrenaline & cortisol, Improve Gut 

    is used for weight loss, problems with digestion, constipation, inflammation, anxiety, stress, depression, fever, headache, stroke, and asthma, headache or muckle pain, it helps to treat or prevent: Alzheimer's disease, Asthma, Cancer, Depression, Diabetes, Diarrhea, Stroke, Ulcer 


    Propolis extract - Inhibit Fat Absorption

    is used as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. wound cleansing, genital herpes and cold sores; as a mouth rinse for speeding healing following oral surgery; and for the treatment of minor burns, it has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties


    Skullcap extract – 

    Treats symptoms of trouble sleeping (insomnia), anxiety, stroke, and paralysis caused by stroke, fever, high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, rabies, epilepsy, nervous tension, allergies, skin infections, inflammation, and spasms, has antibacterial and antiviral effects, Contains anti-inflammatory and anticancer compounds, Anticonvulsant effects, Neurodegenerative disease, may increase Heart health. 


    Slippery Elm bark - Detox Bowel, reduce food cravings

    It is used to treat Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Soothing a Cough and Sore Throat, Irritation of the Urinary Tract, Heartburn It’s also considered an herbal remedy for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).


    Valerian root - Reduces stress/anxiety

    used for sleep disorders, it relaxes, it is used for anxiety and psychological stress


    Wood Betony extract - Reduces stress/anxiety

    It is used for digestion problems including heartburn, diarrhea, and intestinal gas; for breathing problems including bronchitis and asthma; for painful conditions including gout, headache, and facial pain; and for urinary tract conditions including bladder and kidney stones (nephrolithiasis) and bladder pain and swelling (inflammation). It is also used to treat stress and tension, nervousness, and epilepsy. In combination with other herbs, betony is used to treat nerve pain (neuralgia) and anxiety.


    Piperine -  Boost metabolism

    Piperine is known for changing metabolism of various drugs and supplements, most notably increasing curcumin bioavailability by 2000%.[2] It affects metabolism by both intestinal absorption as well as downregulating or inhibiting phase II detoxification enzymes and the glucuronidation process in the liver.[3] It may also contribute to increase absorption by slowing intestinal transit rate and thus prolonging the time said compounds are exposed to the potential uptake.

    Beet Root - Boost metabolism

    Nitrate (NO3-) is a small molecule produced in the body to limited amounts (as a byproduct of nitric oxide) and is obtainable via consumption of vegetables, particularly beetroot and other low-calorie tuber vegetables such as turnips and leafy green vegetables such as spinach or rocket. It appears to be a potent regulatory of blood flow and vasodilatation via its metabolite nitric oxide, and has greater relative affinity for areas of the body with poor oxygenation as the conversion of nitrite (NO2-, a metabolite of nitrate) to nitric oxide is undergone by deoxygenated blood.

    It appears to enhance exercise performance secondary to reducing the oxygen cost of exercise (and thus prolonging time to exhaustion, thought to be due to increased mitochondrial efficiency). There is little to no effect on acute power output, but seems to reduce the rate of fatigue seen with continued muscle contractions and as such seems to have most benefit in exercises ranging from 1 minutes up to 10 minutes and as such exerts most benefit during anaerobic cardiovascular exercise or muscular endurance events (sports requiring anaerobic intervals such as hockey or rugby, some benefit to rowing and crossfit-type exercises) but although it does have benefit to prolonged cardiovascular exercise (5km jogs or 10km cycling events) the magnitude of effect appears to be lesser.


    Who would benefit from our FAT BURNER?

    To achieve a healthy and balanced weight will give one the added benefits to help get one to the top of one’s game.  Our FAT BURNER can be used to improve the ease of our normal day to day activities as well.

    Just imagine waking up energized, with no stress and ready to conquer one’s work. For many, that would feel priceless! REMEMBER WE ARE WHAT WE EAT.

    • Those who are already lean and want to be leaner, while retaining lean tissue
    • Those who are overweight and need to lose body fat but also to retain lean tissue
    • Those who are young and still growing but need to learn how to manage their eating behaviors to match energy needs.
    • Minimizes health risks, including sport injuries, and promotes good health and eating habits, while allowing for optimal training and performance in a given sport.
    • Consider one’s genetic makeup and family history of body weight and shape.


    1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/food-and-chemical-toxicology/vol/43/issue/3
    2. Cochrane Systematic Review - Intervention Version published: 18 October 2006 see what's new


    * https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/weight-management/health-risks-overweight


    *ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES, jan/feb 2006,VOL.12,NO.1 Effect of a Magnolia and Phellodendron Extract on Weight