
Nano sized / Nano technology / Nano

Nano is a prefix meaning "extremely small." When quantifiable, it translates to one-billionth, as in the nanosecond . Nano comes from the Greek word "nanos," meaning"dwarf."

the prefix "nano" means one-billionth, or 10-9; therefore one nanometer is one-billionth of a meter. It’s difficult to imagine just how small that is, so here are some examples:

A sheet of paper is about 100,000 nanometers thick

A strand of human DNA  is 2.5 nanometers in diameter

There are 25,400,000 nanometers in one inch

A human hair is approximately 80,000- 100,000 nanometers wide

A single gold atom is about a third of a nanometer in diameter

On a comparative scale, if the diameter of a marble was one nanometer, then the diameter of the Earth would be about one meter

One nanometer is about as long as your fingernail grows in one second

Receptors : once the key lock is activated, this lock(receptor) will activate a signal

Neurotransmitter (NT) receptors are located on the surface of neuronal and glial cells. At a synapse, one neuron sends messages to the other neuron via neurotransmitters. Therefore, the postsynaptic neuron, the one receiving the message, clusters NT receptors at this specific place in its membrane.

In biochemistry and pharmacology, receptors are chemical structures, composed of protein, that receive and transduce signals that may be integrated into biological systems. Wikipedia

An organ or cell able to respond to light, heat, or other external stimulus and transmit a signal to a sensory nerve. A region of tissue, or a molecule in a cell membrane, which responds specifically to a particular neurotransmitter, hormone, antigen, or other substance.

Sleep: Proper timing, Nutrition and even supplementation can be ENHANCED for faster Neuromuscular RECOVERY. Follow the link if you require assistance with your sleep quality and quantity.

Your brain will cycle repeatedly through two different types of sleep: REM (rapid-eye movement) sleep and non-REM sleep.

The first part of the cycle is non-REM sleep, which is composed of four stages. The first stage comes between being awake and falling asleep. The second is light sleep, when heart rate and breathing regulate and body temperature drops. The third and fourth stages are deep sleep. Though REM sleep was previously believed to be the most important sleep phase for learning and memory, newer data suggests that non-REM sleep is more important for these tasks, as well as being the more restful and restorative phase of sleep.

As you cycle into REM sleep, the eyes move rapidly behind closed lids, and brain waves are similar to those during wakefulness. Breath rate increases and the body becomes temporarily paralyzed as we dream.

The cycle then repeats itself, but with each cycle you spend less time in the deeper stages three and four of sleep and more time in REM sleep. On a typical night, you’ll cycle through four or five times.

REM: With proper sleep hygiene, nutrition/vitamins and protocols this stage can be ENHANCED

During the REM cycle, you repair, improve and consolidate you brain Memory and skills.


During REM sleep, our brain is almost as active as it is when we are awake.

In this phase of sleep, breathing can become fast and irregular.

REM sleep is thought to help consolidate memories.

Drinking alcohol before bed reduces the amount of REM sleep we have.

People with REM sleep behavior disorder act out their dreams.

Deep Sleep (SWS) “If deep sleep is about body, REM is about the brain,” 

Extremely important for athletes.

This period of sleep is called slow-wave sleep because the EEG activity is synchronized, producing slow waves with a frequency range of 0.5–2 Hz and peak-to-peak amplitude greater than 75µV. The first section of the wave signifies a "down state", which is an inhibition or hyperpolarizing phase in which the neurons in the neocortex are silent. This is the period when the neocortical neurons are able to rest. The second section of the wave signifies an "up state", which is an excitation or depolarizing phase in which the neurons fire briefly at a high rate. The principal characteristics during slow-wave sleep that contrast with REM sleep are moderate muscle tone, slow or absent eye movement, and lack of genital activity.

Vo2max: Can be improved and enhanced with nutrition tricks ( BIOHACKS), timing and specific training regimens: SRP performance Consult (“LINK”)

(also maximal oxygen consumption, maximal oxygen uptake, peak oxygen uptake or maximal aerobic capacity) is the maximum rate of oxygen consumption measured during incremental exercise; that is, exercise of increasing intensity. The name is derived from three abbreviations: "V" for volume, "O2" for oxygen, and "max" for maximum. Maximal oxygen consumption reflects cardiorespiratory fitness and endurance capacity in exercise performance.

Supplements: Delivery system is the key. Supplementation is here to assist and supplement your daily intake of food and cover for potential deficiencies that can decrease your cognition and athletic performance.

Vitamins help our bodies grow and develop normally. The best way to get enough vitamins is to eat a balanced diet with a variety of foods. Knowing about different vitamins and what they do can help you to make sure you get enough of the vitamins that you need.

Vitamin deficiencies





Reference: › definition › nano

Neurotransmitter receptor - Wikipedia