Brain Gain


Our formula has a broad range of vitamins, minerals, enzyme cofactors, and compounds that are precursors of neurochemicals to help brain function.


It is more important to first talk to the general public since poor brain health is listed as a public health epidemic. According to the American Heart Association, brain health is, ”When your brain is healthy, it has the blood flow required for peak performance.  A healthy brain is essential for living a long and full life. When your brain is healthy, you’re better able to pay attention, solve problems, communicate, and much more.” 

 American Heart Association has issued a statement:


  • Failing brain Health is a public health epidemic
  • The brain begins showing signs of cognitive decline as a person enters their 20s
  • 3 out 5 Americans will develop a brain disease in their lifetime.
  • By 2030 the total cost of Alzhemimer’s, dementia and stroke is expected to exceed $1 Trillion.                                                                                       

Importance of Brain Gain™ in Athletic Performance

Every Athlete is dreaming of success in the next competition as such they try to push their boundaries of performance beyond their current limits. They need to increase their attention, awareness, reduce stress, have mental focus, process everything around them, have a vision coverage of the area etc.

Brain Gain is a composition of vitamins, minerals, enzyme cofactors, and compounds that are precursors of neurochemicals. It is composed to enhance an athlete's cognitive ability in a way that can adjust mental status for any kind of performance.

Who is at risk of deficiency in Brain Health? 

  • Lack of Vitamin D, Lack of vitamin B12 and B6, smokers, people who consume alcohol. Lack of certain vitamins appear to be linked to problems with cognitive function or brain health.
  • People with heart and cardiovascular diseases are at risk as well
  • People suffering from Alzheimer and Dementia
  • Those that are creating nutrition deficiencies through lifestyle
  • Those under excessive stress


What are Nootropics?

Nootropics is a blanket term for many different types of natural enhancers that create different effects on our abilities. For example, studies found L-theanine in combination with caffeine improves both speed and accuracy of performance when switching between tasks and reduced susceptibility to distractions during a memory task. In a nutshell, multi-tasking becomes a breeze and performance is always at optimal levels.

As natural supplements, nootropics improve memory, creativity, motivation, learning ability, increased attention span, and overall cognitive potential (to say the least).

Seen as holistic, nootropics strive to create stronger bonds between neurons in the brain that allow you to reach a higher level of understanding and effectiveness in any situation.

Natural Nootropics vs Synthetic Nootropics

When talking about nootropics, the topic of natural vs. synthetic is consistently questioned. Considering immediate functionality, synthetic and natural nootropics give the same effect. The difference is in the way your body processes and reacts to the two different types.

A common misconception is that natural nootropics are not as strong as synthetic forms of cognitive enhancers, which is not the case. People looking to consistently increase brain flow through nootropics are usually instructed to take consistent doses over time to increase neurotransmitters and connections.

The long-term effects of natural nootropics are heightened when taken with other, complementary supplements - called stacking. The purpose of natural nootropics goes beyond immediate gratification to provide optimal performance over time.

On the contrary, synthetic nootropics are usually used for an immediate effect needed in the moment. Unfortunately, the long-term effects of synthetics are quite the opposite of natural nootropics. Using synthetic versions consistently for long periods of time, can be linked to a number of critical health issues.

One major drawback most synthetic users allude to is the “crash” that comes when they are leaving your body. Irregular heartbeats, headaches, nausea and insomnia are also paired with the use of synthetic over natural nootropics.

Natural nootropics should be thought of just as it is: natural. They infuse with what is already available and bring cognitive function to a higher level by activating otherwise stagnant chemicals that are already stored. If you’re looking for that unnatural, shaky, irritable feeling that keeps you awake for hours and leaves you with no social abilities - check out synthetics. Natural nootropics are a solution for people who are looking for long-term results to enhance cognitive function and truly reach new levels of achievement.


Benefits of brain health

Increases Attention

  • When an Athlete’s capacity of attention is overwhelmed by information or psychological pressure, or even fatigue, mental focus breakdowns and could result in critical errors. For this reason, attention needs to be gained at very high levels. Our Brain Gain™ will work in the direction to preferably erase the negative factors and feelings and increase attention.

Optimizes Focus

  • The majority of sports demand dynamic and rapidly moving scenes, with complex movement and patterns. When motion speeds up, the demands on the brain increase dramatically. Athletes must remain cognitively sharp and in the moment. Taking cognitive enhancers allows an elongated and increased ability to focus on the task at hand without the side effects of most prescription drugs and it helps the brain have greater alertness and mental focus. No sweaty palms or inability to eat and sleep, just a way to optimize your mind to its capacity.

Increases Motivation

  • With an increase in motivation, nootropics can further enhance your focus and help you reach new levels of strength and endurance unimaginable before. And the best part? Nootropics strengthen connections between neurotransmitters to ingrain a new height of mental and physical ability.

Creative thinking

  • Nootropics function as an enhancement to all brain power, including creativity. When your brain is working at a higher power, it increases your ability to think deeper into new possibilities. Innovation is a key factor in everyone’s lifestyle, and keeping a fresh perspective of everything is necessary for success.

Clarifies the brain from Brain fog

  • Do you ever find yourself staring at the computer screen and realize you haven’t accomplished anything? After a long day of work or at the gym, it’s hard to keep your mind focused on the task at hand. Nootropics reduce brain fog so you can push through that midday mental break.

Enhancing the brain for long-term memories

  • When a nootropic stimulates the brain, it allows multiple neurotransmitters to set off at once causing them to work in tandem. This is how long-term potentiation is maximized. In plain terms, there is a better chance of long-term memories forming because your brain is enhanced to gather more data than otherwise.

Optimizing and activating short-term memory

  • Nootropic stacks contain multiple vitamins and amino acids to trigger your body to work at an optimal level. Some amino acids used to stimulate the brain to increase energy and motivation also increase chemicals that activate short-term memory gain and retention. When your brain is enhanced to reach new levels of optimization, all areas are affected.

Benefits of Brain Gain™ 

How SRPnano’s formula is superior...

There are different aspects of the brain and nervous system, focusing on their contribution to sports performance. Neurological function is considered as a critical aspect of athleticism.

Brain Gain™ it is a formulation with a broad spectrum of vitamins, minerals, enzyme cofactors, and compounds that are precursors of neurochemicals (i.e., dopamine, GABA, epinephrine, etc.) that are necessary for the brain and nervous system function.

Brain Gain™ provides an excellent combination of both neurotransmitter precursors and coenzymes, which are designed to support a healthy nervous system, particularly in the brain.

According to scientific literature, Brain Gain™ components possibly enhance benefits in

  • Neuroprotection
  • Neuroplasticity
  • Mitogenesis
  • Brain oxygenation
